2025 Exhibitor Information
This application is for the 2025 festival (Sep 18–21, 2025)
Filling out this form does NOT automatically give you an exhibitor space at the Nappanee Apple Festival! All applications must be reviewed first. If approved, you will be contacted for payment and all the information you have filled out below will be contractual. If you have given any false information, or decide to leave the festival early without permission from the committee, you will not be invited to return to the festival.
Fill out the application electronically below or DOWNLOAD A PDF to mail in.
2025 festival Schedule (*subject to change)
Wednesday, Sep 17:
Set-up, 3:00 pm–8:00 pm
Thursday, Sep 18:
Set-up, 9:00 am–4:30 pm
Participant Meeting (MANDATORY): 4:30 pm–4:50 pm
OPEN TO PUBLIC, 5:00 pm–9:00 pm
Friday, Sep 19:
OPEN TO PUBLIC, 11:00 am–9:00 pm
Saturday, Sep 20:
OPEN TO PUBLIC, 10:00 am–9:00 pm
Sunday, Sep 21:
OPEN TO PUBLIC, 11:00 am–5:00 pm
Exhibitor Teardown, 5:01 pm (NO EARLIER!)
2025 exhibitor rates
Spaces are 12 ft. wide x 10 ft. deep
Booth Rental – $225.00
Pavilion Booth Rental – $250.00* (NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME)
*Pavilion spaces may become available later. Only names for the waiting list are being accepted at this time.
Additional Electrical Amps (15 amps) – $35.00
Table Rental, each (optional) – $10.00
Chair Rental, each (optional) – $5.00
NEW & RETURNING EXHIBITORS will be contacted for payment if application has been approved.
If filling out and mailing in a PDF rather than submitting electronically, please mail check with paper to the address on the sheet.
This application form will become part of the contract between the participant and Nappanee Apple Festival, along with the Terms and Conditions for Exhibitors. In submitting this application, you are signing electronically and agree to abide by all rules and conditions of the Nappanee Apple Festival held in Nappanee, Indiana (Elkhart County).
The Apple Festival Committee has the right to limit entries per medium.
Your booth must be kept neat, clean and safe for patrons. Boxes must be hidden from public view.
Once your application is received there are NO REFUNDS on space rental.
terms and conditions for exhibitors
Exhibitor is required to be open to the general public for the duration of the entire event. Closing to the public before the end of the event or not opening on time to the general public is grounds for exclusion from participating at future events.
Nappanee Apple Festival will not allow the sale of merchandise at the event that offends community standards or depicts illegal drug use or related paraphernalia, toy guns or knives.
NO SMOKING allowed within exhibitor booths or within 8 feet of other exhibitor booths.
Exhibitor may not sublease their space unless pre-arranged with Nappanee Apple Festival board. Sublease in this use includes renting, sharing, donating or in any way allowing another company or person to display or advertise in an exhibitors space.
Exhibitor agrees, by accepting this agreement, regardless of coverage under any insurance policy, to pay all costs necessary to indemnify, defend and hold Nappanee Apple Festival and it’s agents (as applicable) harmless from all claims, demands, actions, attorney’s fees, cost and expenses based on or arising out of any acts, errors, omissions, fault, or negligence of contractor or its principals, employees, subcontractors or other agents while performing services under this contract.
Nappanee Apple Festival will supply 15-amp electrical service to Exhibitor within 100 feet of booth space. You must provide your own cord. If you require additional or other electrical hookup, there will be an additional charge. **Surge protectors are recommended.
All Exhibitors are responsible for collecting Indiana’s tax of 7% for items sold. You must provide the festival with your sales tax number form or your tax exemption form prior to the beginning of the festival.
All business or other activity, for which the Exhibitors have rented space, must be conducted within the designated booth space only! No distribution, canvassing, flyers, nor vending of any kind may be done by strolling through the festival grounds.
All participants agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Nappanee Apple Festival and any of our sponsors, officers, employees, and agents from any loss, theft, damage or injury to any person or property taking part in the festival.
Security will be provided for the Exhibitor booths and the encampment areas during non-festival hours.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages by Exhibitors at their booth is prohibited. Under no circumstances are controlled substances allowed or tolerated on the festival site. Anyone with controlled substances in their possession on the festival site is subject to immediate expulsion and/or arrest.
No vehicles allowed on festival streets 1 hour prior to the opening of the festival each day. Please plan accordingly and arrive early if you need to access your booth by vehicle.
The Exhibitor agrees to comply with all applicable Elkhart County fire safety regulations regarding display space and materials. The Exhibitor agrees to comply with all set-up, display, load-in/load-out and teardown guidelines as established by the Nappanee Apple Festival, including access to booth and vehicle restrictions.
Exhibitor agrees to keep booth and surrounding area clean and free from debris. Designated large trash dumpsters are provided for Exhibitors to use during the weekend. The exact locations of the trash dumpsters will be provided to all Exhibitors during Exhibitor check-in September 13-14. Exhibitors are responsible for disposal of their own trash and boxes (must be broken down) and disposing them in the designated dumpsters each evening when the festival closes. Exhibitor trash and boxes will not be allowed to be placed in or next to public trash containers located throughout the festival grounds or left for festival volunteers to pick up each day. If you anticipate a large quantity of trash each day, it is recommended that you bring your own two-wheel cart to take your trash to the nearest designated Exhibitor dumpster.
It is understood between the parties that Exhibitor shall be solely responsible for their own tent and/or festival display structure.
Exhibitor agrees that they will not drive any tent stakes into the asphalt to secure their tent or canopy. Exhibitor must use alternative means to secure tenting on asphalt (including but not limited to weights, concrete weights). Additionally, if any damage is made to the VFW Lot or Pavilion Lot, Exhibitor shall be held responsible for any fee(s) related to fixing the asphalt. Exhibitor shall be notified on-site by Apple Festival Exhibitor Coordinator if any additional fees will be applied.
It is understood that the Exhibitor must be in attendance for the length of the show, unless given written permission by the festival board before the festival begins. If the Exhibitor is unable to attend the festival, his/her space and all money paid will be forfeited.
It is understood that any policies, procedures or instructions that have been sent to Exhibitors of the festival at any time are considered a part of this agreement.
It is understood that if any provision in this contract is violated by the Exhibitor, the Director can eject the Exhibitor from the Festival. The decision of the Director is final.
For questions, please contact exhibitor@nappaneeapplefestival.org